Megacity in Tamil Nadu, Indien
Chennai Madras | |||
Spitznamen: Detroit of India [2] Gateway of South India Indiens Gesundheitshauptstadt, Überfliegungshauptstadt Indiens | |||
Karte anzeigen von Tamil Nadu Karte von Indien anzeigen [19659015Koordinaten: 13 ° 5'N 80 ° 16'E / 13.083 ° N 80.267 ° E Koordinaten: 13 ° 5'N 80 ° 16'E / 13.083 ° N 80.267 ° E | |||
Land | Indien | ||
Bundesstaat | Tamil Nadu | ||
Distrikt | Chennai, Kanchipuram Tiruvallur [A] [1949906] | ||
Für den früheren Namen [19909029] | |||
Gegründet | 1639 | ||
Regierung | |||
• Typ | Bürgermeister-Rat | ||
• Körperschaft | Greater Chennai Corporation | ||
• Bürgermeister | Saidai Duraisamy ] | ||
• Beauftragter der Gesellschaft | D Karthikeyan IAS | ||
• Polizeikommissar | Dr. AK Viswanathan [12] IPS | ||
Bereich | |||
• Megacity [19456552] 19460638] | 426 km 2 (164,5 km²) | ||
• Metro | 1,189 km 2 (459,07 km²) Höhe | ||
Höhe | ] 6 m (20 ft) | ||
Bevölkerung | |||
• Megacity [1] | 7.088.000 | ||
• Rang | 4. Rang | • Dichte | 17.000 / km 2 (43.000 / sq mi) |
• U-Bahn | 8,653,521 8,917,749 (Extended UA) [8] [8] Metro rank 4th | | |
Demonym (s) | Chennaiite | ||
Sprachen | |||
• Offiziell | Tamil | ||
Zeitzone | UTC + 05: 30 (IST) | ||
Pincode (s) | 600xxx | ||
Vorwahlnummer | + 91-44 | ||
Fahrzeugzulassung | TN-01 bis TN-14, TN-18, TN-22, TN -85 | ||
Metro GDP | $ 59 bis $ 66 Milliarden (PPP) [10] [11] | ||
Website | Chennai Corporation | ||
Chennai [19456563] ] ( ( listen ) ; auch bekannt unter seinem früheren Namen Madras ( hören ) oder [19656093] [13] [13] ) ist die Hauptstadt des indischen Bundesstaates Tamil Nadu. Es liegt an der Coromandel-Küste vor der Bucht von Bengalen und ist das größte Kultur-, Wirtschafts- und Bildungszentrum in Südindien. Laut der indischen Volkszählung von 2011 ist dies die sechstgrößte und viertbevölkerungsreichste städtische Agglomeration in Indien. Die Stadt bildet zusammen mit den angrenzenden Regionen die Metropolregion Chennai, die nach Einwohnerzahl der 36. größte Stadt der Welt ist. [14] Chennai gehört zu den meistbesuchten indischen Städten von ausländischen Touristen. Es wurde die 43. meistbesuchte Stadt der Welt für das Jahr 2015 eingestuft. [15] In der Umfrage zur Lebensqualität wurde Chennai als die sicherste Stadt Indiens eingestuft. [16] Chennai zieht 45 Prozent der Gesundheitstouristen an, die Indien besuchen, und 30 bis 40 Prozent der inländischen Gesundheitstouristen. [17] Als solches wird es "Indiens Gesundheitskapital" genannt. Als wachsende Metropole in einem Entwicklungsland ist Chennai mit erheblichen Umweltverschmutzungen und anderen logistischen und sozioökonomischen Problemen konfrontiert. [18]
Chennai hatte 2009 mit 35.000 Menschen die drittgrößte indigene Bevölkerung. 82.790 im Jahr 2011 und bis 2016 auf über 100.000 geschätzt. [19] [20] Lonely Planet, Herausgeber des Tourismusführers, nannte Chennai im Jahr 2015 als eine der Top-Ten-Städte der Welt. [21] Chennai ist im Global Cities Index als Beta-Stadt eingestuft, [22] und wurde von India Today in der jährlichen indischen Stadtumfrage 2014 als beste Stadt Indiens eingestuft. [23] [24] Im Jahr 2015 wurde Chennai von der BBC zur "heißesten" Stadt ernannt (lohnenswert und langfristig lohnenswert), wobei auf die Mischung moderner und traditioneller Werte verwiesen wurde. [25] National Geographic nannte Chennai as die einzige südasiatische Stadt, die 2015 in ihrer Liste der "Top 10 Food Cities" aufgeführt ist. [26] Chennai wurde von Lonely Planet auch als neuntbeste Weltstadt der Welt bezeichnet. [27] Im Oktober 2017 wurde Chennai aufgrund seiner reichen Musiktradition in die Liste des UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) aufgenommen. [28]
Die Metropolregion Chennai ist eine der größten städtischen Ökonomien Indiens. Chennai hat den Spitznamen "The Detroit of India", [2] wobei mehr als ein Drittel der indischen Automobilindustrie in der Stadt angesiedelt ist. Chennai, Heimat der tamilischen Filmindustrie, ist auch als bedeutendes Filmproduktionszentrum bekannt. Chennai wurde als eine der 100 indischen Städte ausgewählt, die unter Smart Cities Mission als Smart City entwickelt wurde. [29]
Der Name Chennai stammt aus Telugu. [30] [31] [32] Es wurde abgeleitet von dem Namen eines Telugu-Herrschers Damarla Chennappa Nayakudu, Vater von Damarla Venkatapathy Nayak, einem Nayak-Herrscher, der als General unter Venkata III. Des Vijayanagar-Reiches diente, von dem die Briten die Stadt 1639 erwarben. [33] ] [34] Die erste offizielle Verwendung des Namens Chennai soll sich in einer Verkaufsurkunde vom 8. August 1639 an Francis Day der East India Company befinden, noch vor [35] der Chennakesava Der Perumal-Tempel wurde 1646 gebaut [36] während einige Gelehrte das Gegenteil behaupten. [37]
Der Name Madras ist ebenfalls einheimischer Herkunft. und es wurde gezeigt, dass es vor der britischen Präsenz in Indien in Gebrauch ist. [38] Eine Vijayanagar-Ära-Inschrift aus dem Jahr 1367, die den Hafen von Mādarasanpattanam erwähnt, wurde 2015 zusammen mit anderen kleinen Häfen an der Ostküste entdeckt und es wurde die Theorie aufgestellt, dass der genannte Hafen der Fischerhafen von Royapuram ist. [39]
Nach einigen Quellen wurde Madras von Madraspattinam einem Fischerdorf nördlich von Fort St. George, abgeleitet. [40] Es ist jedoch ungewiss, ob der Name vor der Ankunft der Europäer verwendet wurde. [41]
Die britischen Militärkartenmacher glaubten, Madras sei ursprünglich Mundir-raj oder Mundiraj [42]
. Es gibt auch Hinweise, dass es von einem Portugiesen stammen könnte Phrase mãe de Deus was "Mutter Gottes" bedeutet, aufgrund des portugiesischen Einflusses auf die Hafenstadt, insbesondere unter Bezugnahme auf eine Marienkirche. [43]
Im Jahr 1996 änderte die Regierung von Tamil Nadu den Namen von Madras offiziell in Chennai . Damals erfuhren viele indische Städte eine Namensänderung. [44] [45] Der Name Madras wird jedoch gelegentlich für die Stadt verwendet, [46] sowie für Orte, die nach der Stadt benannt wurden, wie beispielsweise University of Madras, IIT Madras, Madras Institute of Technology , Madras Medical College, Madras Veterinary College, Madras Christian College.
In der Nähe von Pallavaram in Chennai wurden Werkzeuge aus der Steinzeit gefunden. Nach der Archäologischen Untersuchung Indiens (ASI) war Pallavaram ein megalithisches Kulturinstitut und in der Siedlung residierten prähistorische Gemeinden. [47]
Die Region um Chennai diente als wichtige Verwaltungseinrichtung , militärisches und wirtschaftliches Zentrum für viele Jahrhunderte. Im 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Lebte ein Dichter und Weber namens Thiruvalluvar in der Stadt Mylapore (einem Stadtteil des heutigen Chennai). [48] Vom 1. bis 12. Jahrhundert wurde das Gebiet des heutigen Tamil Nadu und Teilen Südindiens von den Cholas regiert. [49]
Die Pallavas von Kanchi bauten die Gebiete von Mahabalipuram und Pallavaram während der Regierungszeit von Mahendravarman I. Sie haben auch mehrere Königreiche besiegt, darunter die Cheras, Cholas und Pandyas, die vor ihrer Ankunft über das Gebiet herrschten. Aus dieser Zeit wurden geformte Höhlen und Gemälde identifiziert. [50] Antike Münzen aus der Zeit um 500 v. Chr. Wurden auch aus der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung gefunden. Ein Teil dieser Funde gehörte dem Vijayanagara-Imperium, das die Region im Mittelalter beherrschte. [51]
Die Portugiesen kamen 1522 zum ersten Mal an und bauten einen Hafen mit dem Namen São Tomé ] nach dem christlichen Apostel St. Thomas, der in der Gegend zwischen 52 und 70 uZ gepredigt haben soll. Im Jahre 1612 ließen sich die Niederländer in der Nähe von Pulicat nördlich von Chennai nieder. [52]
Am 20. August 1639 reiste der Francis Day der East India Company zusammen mit den Nayak von Kalahasti Damarla Chennappa Nayakudu nach Chandragiri Palast für eine Audienz mit dem Vijayanager Kaiser Peda Venkata Raya. [53] Day bemühte sich um einen Zuschuss für Land an der Coromandel-Küste, auf dem das Unternehmen eine Fabrik und ein Lager für seine Handelsaktivitäten errichten konnte, und es gelang ihm, einen etwa sechs Kilometer langen Landstreifen zu mieten und dafür eineinhalb Kilometer im Landesinneren eine jährliche Summe von fünfhundert Lakh-Pagoden. [54] [55] [56] Die Region war damals vor allem ein Fischerdorf, bekannt als "Madraspatnam". [51] Ein Jahr später baute die Kompanie Fort St. George, die erste größere englische Siedlung in Indien, [57] die zum Kern der wachsenden Kolonialstadt und Stadt Chennai wurde, die um dieses Fort herum wuchs. [58] Nach der Unabhängigkeit befand sich in der Festung die Tamil Nadu-Versammlung, bis das neue Sekretariatsgebäude im Jahr 2010 eröffnet wurde, aber kurz darauf wurde es wegen eines Regierungswechsels wieder nach Fort St. George verlegt. [59]
1746 wurden Fort St. George und Madras von den Franzosen unter General La Bourdonnais, dem Gouverneur von Mauritius, gefangen genommen, der die Stadt und ihre umliegenden Dörfer plünderte. [52] Die Briten erlangten 1749 durch den Vertrag von Aix-la-Chapelle die Kontrolle zurück und verstärkten die Festungsmauer der Stadt, um weiteren Angriffen der Franzosen und des Sultans von Mysore, Hyder Ali, standzuhalten. [60] Sie widersetzten sich einem französischen Belagerungsversuch 1759 unter der Führung von Eyre Coote. [61] 1769 wurde die Stadt von Mysore bedroht und die Briten wurden von Hyder Ali besiegt, wonach der Vertrag von Madras den Krieg beendete. [62] Im 18. Jahrhundert hatten die Briten den Großteil der Region um Tamil Nadu und die nördlichen modernen Staaten von Andhra Pradesh und Karnataka erobert und die Madras-Präsidentschaft mit Madras als Hauptstadt gegründet. [63]
Allmählich Die Stadt entwickelte sich zu einem bedeutenden Marinestützpunkt und wurde zum zentralen Verwaltungszentrum der Briten in Südindien. [64] Mit dem Aufkommen der Eisenbahnen in Indien im 19. Jahrhundert wurde das florierende Stadtzentrum mit anderen wichtigen Städten wie Bombay und Kalkutta verbunden, um die Kommunikation und den Handel mit dem Hinterland zu fördern. [65] Sir Arthur Lawley war von 1906 bis 1911 Gouverneur von Madras und förderte moderne Landwirtschaft, Industrie, Eisenbahnen, Bildung, Kunst und eine demokratischere Regierungsführung. [66] Der Gouverneur lebte im Regierungsgebäude in Fort St. George und hatte ein Landhaus in Guindy, mit Zugang zu einem Golfplatz, Hockeyplätzen, Reitställen und der Pferderennbahn Guindy. [67] [1965602] [68] Im Ersten Weltkrieg kümmerte er sich als Rotkreuzkommissar in Mesopotamien um das Wohlergehen indischer Soldaten. [69] Madras war die einzige indische Stadt, die während des Ersten Weltkrieges von den Mittelmächten angegriffen wurde, [70] als am 22. September 1914 ein Öldepot von dem deutschen leichten Kreuzer SMS Emden beschossen wurde , als es Schiffswege im Indischen Ozean überfiel, was die Schifffahrt störte. [71]
Nachdem Indien 1947 seine Unabhängigkeit erlangt hatte, wurde die Stadt Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates Madras, der in Tamil umbenannt wurde Nadu im Jahr 1969. [72] Die gewaltsamen Agitationen von 1965 gegen die zwangsweise Auferlegung von Hindi und zur Unterstützung der englischen Sprache in Indien im Staat bedeuteten eine bedeutende Veränderung der politischen Dynamik der Stadt, und letztendlich hatte sie großen Einfluss auf den gesamten Staat. Aufgrund von Madras und seiner Bevölkerung existiert in Indien inzwischen Englisch, andernfalls könnte Hindi in Indien die einzige Amtssprache sein. [73] Am 17. Juli 1996 wurde die als Madras bekannte Stadt offiziell in Chennai umbenannt, was dem landesweiten Trend folgte, weniger anglizisierte Namen zu verwenden. [74] Am 26. Dezember 2004 schlug ein Tsunami im Indischen Ozean die Küste von Chennai nieder, wobei 206 Menschen in Chennai getötet und die Küste dauerhaft verändert wurden. [75] [76] Die Flutkatastrophe von Chennai 2015 überschwemmte große Teile der Stadt. Dabei wurden 269 Menschen getötet und es kam zu Schäden von 86.4 Mrd. (19459027) (1 Mrd. USD). [77] [78] [78] [78] [19659125] [79]
Chennai liegt an der südöstlichen Küste Indiens im nordöstlichen Teil von Tamil Nadu in einer flachen Küstenebene, die als Eastern Coastal Plains bekannt ist. Seine durchschnittliche Höhe liegt bei etwa 6,7 Metern, [80] und sein höchster Punkt ist 60 m (200 ft). [81] Chennai liegt 2.184 Kilometer südlich von Delhi, 1.337 Kilometer südöstlich von Mumbai und 345 Kilometer (214 Meilen) östlich von Bangalore auf der Straße. Zwei große Flüsse fließen durch Chennai, den Fluss Cooum (oder 19459080 Koovam ) durch das Zentrum und den Adyar River im Süden. Ein dritter Fluss, der Kortalaiyar, durchfließt den nördlichen Rand der Stadt, bevor er in Ennore in die Bengalische Bucht fließt. Die Mündung dieses Flusses ist stark mit Abwässern belastet, die von den Industrien der Region freigesetzt werden. [82] Die Flüsse Adyar und Cooum sind stark mit Abwässern und Abfällen aus häuslichen und kommerziellen Quellen verschmutzt, wobei die Coumm so stark verschmutzt ist, dass sie als Schandfleck der Stadt gilt. [83] [84] Eine geschützte Mündung auf dem Adyar bildet einen natürlichen Lebensraum für verschiedene Vogel- und Tierarten. [85] Der 4 km im Landesinneren gelegene Buckingham Canal verläuft parallel zur Küste und verbindet die beiden Flüsse. Der Otteri Nullah, ein Ost-West-Fluss, fließt durch den Norden Chennais und trifft an der Basin Bridge auf den Buckingham Canal. Am westlichen Rand der Stadt befinden sich mehrere unterschiedlich große Seen. In einigen Gebieten der Stadt besteht das Problem eines zu hohen Eisengehalts im Grundwasser. [86]
Chennais Boden besteht hauptsächlich aus Ton, Schiefer und Sandstein. [87] Der größte Teil der Stadt ist Lehm, hauptsächlich Manali, Kolathur, Maduravoyal, K.K. Nagar, Tambaram, Mudichur, Pallavaram Semmencherry, Alapakkam, Vyasarpadi und Anna Nagar. Sandgebiete befinden sich entlang der Ufer und Küsten und umfassen Gebiete wie Tiruvottiyur, George Town, Madhavaram, New Washermanpet, Chepauk, Mylapore, Porur, Adyar, Besant Nagar und Uthandi. In diesen Gebieten sickert Regenwasser schnell durch den Boden. Gebiete mit einer harten Gesteinsoberfläche umfassen Guindy, Nanganallur, Pallikaranai, Alandur, Jaladampet, Velachery, Adambakkam und ein Teil von Saidapet und Perungudi. [88] [1965602] [89] Der Grundwasserspiegel in Chennai befindet sich in den meisten Gebieten auf 4-5 m unter der Erde, [89] der durch das vorgeschriebene Regenwassersammelsystem erheblich verbessert und aufrechterhalten wurde. [90] Von der 24,87 km langen Küstenlinie der Stadt erleiden 3,08 km Erosion, wobei entlang des Küstenstrands Sand am Strand von Marina und zwischen Ennore Port und Kosasthalaiyar River zu beobachten ist. [91]
] Chennai wird in der seismischen Zone III eingestuft, was auf ein mäßiges Risiko der Erdbebenschäden hindeutet. [92] Aufgrund der geotektonischen Zone, in die die Stadt fällt, gilt die Stadt als potenzieller Standort für Geothermie. Die Kruste hat Granitfelsen, die auf vulkanische Aktivitäten in der Vergangenheit hindeuten. Es wird erwartet, dass Temperaturen von 200 bis 300 ° C zur Verfügung stehen, wenn der Boden 4 bis 5 km tief gebohrt wurde. [93] In der Region gibt es die ältesten Felsen des Landes, die fast eine Milliarde Jahre alt ist. [94]
Flora und Fauna
Der südliche Küstenabschnitt von Chennais Küste von Tiruvanmiyur bis Neelangarai wird durch das gefährdete Olive Ridley-Meer bevorzugt Schildkröten, die jeden Winter Eier legen. In den Flüssen Cooum und Adyar kann man eine Vielzahl von Viehreiher, Teichreiher und andere Wasservögel beobachten. Etwa 75.000 Vögel ziehen jedes Jahr nach Chennai. [95] Sumpfgebiete wie Pallikaranai beherbergen während des Monsuns und des Winters auch eine Reihe von Zugvögeln. [96] Über 300 Vogelarten wurden in der Stadt und ihrer Nachbarschaft seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1978 von Mitgliedern der Madras Naturalists 'Society erfasst.
Der Guindy-Nationalpark ist ein Naturschutzgebiet innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen. Naturschutz und Forschungsaktivitäten finden in statt
Arignar Anna Zoological Park, einschließlich Olive Ridley, Schutzgebiet für Meeresschildkröten. [97] Madras Crocodile Bank Trust ist eine Herpetologie-Forschungsstation, die sich 40 Kilometer südlich von Chennai befindet. [98] Es ist Indiens führende Einrichtung für den Schutz der Herpeto-Faune und das erste Krokodilzuchtzentrum in Asien. [99] Die Baumbedeckung der Stadt wird auf 64,06 km² geschätzt. [100] Die dominanteste Baumart ist die Kupferhülse, gefolgt von indischer Buche und Neem. Insgesamt 121 Arten von Bäumen, die 94 Gattungen und 42 Familien angehören, werden in der Stadt gefunden. [100]
In Chennai gibt es drei Flüsse und viele Seen, die sich über die Stadt erstrecken. Die Urbanisierung hat zum Schrumpfen von Gewässern und Feuchtgebieten geführt. [101] Die Anzahl der Feuchtgebiete in der Stadt hat sich derzeit von 650 auf nur noch 27 verringert. [102] Der von der Regierung gegründete Chennai River Restoration Trust arbeitet an der Restaurierung des Adyar-Flusses. [103] Die Environmentalist Foundation of India ist eine freiwillige Gruppe, die sich für den Erhalt von Wildtieren und die Wiederherstellung von Lebensräumen einsetzt. [104] [105]
Chennai hat ein tropisches, feuchtes und trockenes Klima (Köppen: Aw). Die Stadt liegt am thermischen Äquator [106] und liegt auch an der Küste, die extreme Temperaturschwankungen verhindert. Der heißeste Teil des Jahres ist Ende Mai bis Anfang Juni, regional bekannt als Agni Nakshatram ("Feuerstern") oder als Kathiri Veyyil [107] . mit Höchsttemperaturen um 35–40 ° C (95–104 ° F). Der kühlste Teil des Jahres ist der Januar mit Minimaltemperaturen von 19 bis 25 ° C (66 bis 77 ° F). Die niedrigste gemessene Temperatur war am 11. Dezember 1895 und am 29. Januar 1905 13,9 ° C (57,0 ° F). [108] Die höchste gemessene Temperatur war am 31. Mai 2003 45 ° C (113 ° F). [108] Die durchschnittliche jährliche Niederschlagsmenge liegt bei etwa 140 cm. [109]
Die meisten saisonalen Niederschläge kommen von der Nordost-Monsunwinde von Mitte Oktober bis Mitte Dezember. Zyklone in der Bucht von Bengalen trafen manchmal die Stadt. Der höchste jährliche Niederschlag ist 2005 257 cm (101 in). [110] Die vorherrschenden Winde in Chennai sind zwischen April und Oktober [111] normalerweise südwestlich und während des restlichen Jahres nordöstlich. In der Vergangenheit hat sich Chennai auf die jährlichen Regenfälle der Monsunzeit verlassen, um die Wasserreservoirs aufzufüllen, da keine größeren Flüsse durch das Gebiet fließen. [112] Chennai hat einen Wasserspiegel auf 2 Metern für 60 Prozent des Jahres. [113]
Klimadaten für Chennai, Indien (1981–2010) | |||||||||||||
Monat | Jan | Feb. | April | Mai | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dez | Jahr | ||
Rekordhoch ° C (° F) | 34.4 (93.9) | 36.7 (98.1) | 40,6 (105.1) | 42.8 (109.0) | 45,0 (113.0) | 43.3 (109.9) | 41.1 (106.0) | 40,0 (104,0) | 38,9 (102.0) | 39.4 (102.9) | 35.4 (95.7) | 33.0 (91.4) | 45,0 (113.0) |
Durchschnittlich hohe ° C (° F) | 29.3 (84.7) | 30.9 (87.6) | 32,9 (91.2) | 34,5 (94.1) | 37.1 (98.8) | 37,0 (98.6) | 35.3 (95.5) | 34.7 (94.5) | 34.2 (93.6) | 32.1 (89.8) | 29.9 (85.8) | 28.9 (84.0) | 33.1 (91.6) |
Durchschnittlich niedrige ° C (° F) | 21.2 (70.2) | 22.2 (72.0) | 24.2 (75.6) | 26.6 (79.9) | 28.0 (82.4) | 27.5 (81.5) | 26.4 (79.5) | 25.9 (78.6) | 25.6 (78.1) | 24.6 (76.3) | 23.1 (73.6) | 21.9 (71.4) | 24.8 (76.6) |
Aufzeichnung bei niedrigen ° C (° F) | 13.9 (57.0) | 15,0 (59,0) | 16.7 (62.1) | 20,0 (68,0) | 21.1 (70.0) | 20,6 (69.1) | 21.0 (69.8) | 20,6 (69.1) | 20,6 (69.1) | 16.7 (62.1) | 15,0 (59,0) | 13.9 (57.0) | 13.9 (57.0) |
Durchschnittlicher Niederschlag mm (Zoll) | 25,9 (1.02) | 3.4 (0,13) | 3.5 (0.14) | 14.4 (0.57) | 34,2 (1.35) | 55.8 (2.20) | 103.8 (4.09) | 126.8 (4.99) | 147.7 (5.81) | 315.6 (12.43) | 374.4 (14.74) | 177.4 (6.98) | 1.382.9 (54.44) |
Durchschnittliche Regentage | 1.4 | 0.8 | 0.3 | 0.8 | 1.8 | 4,0 | 6.5 | 7.7 | 7.3 | 10.9 | 11.5 | 5.8 | 58,8 |
Durchschnittliche relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (%) | 73 | 72 | 70 | 69 | 62 | 57 | 64 | 66 | 72 | 77 | 78 | 77 | 70 |
Mittlere monatliche Sonnenstunden | 268.3 | 268.1 | 293.6 | 290.2 | 279,9 | 202.6 | 185,2 | 193.6 | 198.6 | 194.6 | 182.7 | 204.3 | 2,761,7 |
Quelle Nr. 1: Meteorologische Abteilung Indiens (Temperaturen und Niederschlag) [114] [115] | |||||||||||||
Quelle Nr. 2: NOAA (Sonnenscheindauer und Luftfeuchtigkeit 1971–1990) [199460752] |
NE Monsoon in Chennai
Die Stadt Chennai liegt an der Ostküste Indiens, die auch als Coromandel Coast bekannt ist.
Chennai ist weitgehend abhängig vom Nordosten Mons, da 65% der Regenfälle in dieser Saison eingehen. Zyklone und Depressionen sind während der Saison üblich. Insbesondere Zyklone sind wirklich unvorhersehbar. Sie können sogar nach Orissa, Westbengalen, Bangladesch und auch nach Myanmar ziehen. Die Saison zwischen Oktober und Dezember wird als NE-Monsunperiode bezeichnet. [117] Überschwemmungen sind in dieser Zeit häufig. Im Jahr 2015 wurde in Chennai seit 1918 ein Rekordregen erzielt, der zu massiven Überschwemmungen führte.
Die gesamte Ostküste ist während der Monsunzeit anfällig für Zyklone. Im Jahr 2007 wurde ein großer Zyklon namens "Zyklon Sidr" Chennai übersprungen und ging in Richtung Bangladesch. Das Ergebnis war ein Misserfolg des nordöstlichen Monsuns in Chennai in diesem Jahr. Sogar in der Vergangenheit gab es viele Gelegenheiten, bei denen Zyklone einen großen Einfluss auf den Monsun hatten.
Ab 2018 hatte die Stadt eine Gründecke von 14,9 Prozent, gegen die Empfehlung der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) von 9 Quadratmetern Gründecke pro Kopf in Städten. Die Stadt hatte eine bebaute Fläche von 71 Prozent. Wasserkörper nehmen geschätzte 6% der Gesamtfläche ein und mindestens 8% der Fläche wurden als Freifläche eingestuft. [118] Ab 2017 betrug die Gesamtwassermenge 339 mcft und die Grundwasserauffüllung betrug 170 mc. [119]
Die Stadt Chennai wird von der Greater Chennai Corporation (früher "Corporation of Madras") regiert. , die 1688 gegründet wurde. Es ist der älteste überlebende städtische Konzern in Indien und der zweitälteste überlebende Konzern der Welt. [120] [121] Im Jahr 2011 wurde die Gerichtsbarkeit der Chennai Corporation von 174 km 2 (67 sq mi) auf eine Fläche von 426 km 2 (164 sq mi), [122] erweitert unterteilt in drei Regionen - Nord, Süd und Zentral, die 200 Stationen umfassen. [123] [124] Das Unternehmen wird von einem Bürgermeister geleitet, einem Büro, das derzeit von Saidai Sa besetzt ist. Duraisamy [125] [126] Der Bürgermeister und die Stadträte der Stadt werden durch eine Volksabstimmung von den Einwohnern gewählt. [127] Während die Stadtgrenze 2011 erweitert wurde, muss die revidierte Bevölkerung noch offiziell bekannt gegeben werden.
Die Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) ist die für die Planung und Entwicklung der Metropole Chennai verantwortliche Knotenagentur, die sich über eine Fläche von 1.189 km erstreckt. 2 (459 sq mi), [128] über den Bezirk Chennai und Teile der Bezirke Tiruvallur und Kanchipuram. Die größeren Vororte werden von Stadtgemeinden und die kleineren von Stadträten (Panchayats) regiert. Die CMDA umfasst 5 Parlaments- und 28 Versammlungskreise. [129] [130] Die CMDA hat einen zusätzlichen Masterplan ausgearbeitet, der die Entwicklung von Satelliten-Townships in der ganzen Stadt zum Ziel hat. Zu den angrenzenden Satellitenstädten der Stadt gehören Mahabalipuram im Süden, Chengalpattu und Maraimalai Nagar im Südwesten und Sriperumpudur, Arakkonam, Kanchipuram und Tiruvallur im Westen Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu, Sitz der staatlichen Exekutive und gesetzgebenden Körperschaft hauptsächlich in den Sekretariatsgebäuden auf dem Fort St George Campus. Das Madras High Court ist die höchste Justizbehörde des Staates, deren Gerichtsbarkeit sich auf Tamil Nadu und Puducherry erstreckt. [132] Chennai hat drei Parlamentskreise - Chennai North, Chennai Central und Chennai South - und wählt 24 Mitglieder der Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in die staatliche Legislative. [133]
Law and order
The Greater Chennai Police ist die wichtigste Strafverfolgungsbehörde der Stadt mit einer Gerichtsbarkeit von über 745 km 2 (288 sq mi), die mehr als 8,5 Millionen Menschen umfasst. Es besteht aus 121 Polizeistationen und wird von einem Polizeikommissar geleitet. Die Greater Chennai Police ist eine Abteilung der Tamil Nadu Police, und die administrative Kontrolle liegt beim Innenministerium von Tamil Nadu. [134] Die Verkehrspolizei Chennais (CCTP) ist für die Verkehrsverwaltung in der Stadt verantwortlich . The metropolitan suburbs are policed by the Chennai Metropolitan Police, headed by the Chennai Police Commissionerate, and the outer district areas of the CMDA are policed by the Kanchipuram and Thiruvallur police departments.[135][136][137]
As of 2011[update] (prior to the expansion of Chennai Corporation area), Chennai city has a sanctioned strength of 14,000 police personnel. With a population density of 26,903 persons per square kilometre, the city had 1 policeman for every 413 people. The Chennai suburban police had about 4,093 police personnel and a ratio of 1:1,222.[138] In 2010, the crime rate in the city was 169.2 per 100,000 people, as against an average of 341.9 in the 35 major cities of India.[139] In 2011, North Chennai zone had 30 police stations and 3 police out posts, Central Chennai zone had 28 police stations and 3 police out posts, and South Chennai zone had 30 police stations.[140]
In 2009, Madras Central Prison, one of the oldest prisons in India, built over 11 acres (4 ha) of land, was demolished; the prisoners were moved to Puzhal Central Prison.[141]
Since the 19th century, when Western scholars proposed that Dravidian languages, which dominated the southern region of India, formed a different linguistic group to that of the Indo-Aryan languages that are predominant in the north of the subcontinent, the aspects of Tamil nationalism gained prominence. This resulted in the Anti-Hindi agitations in the city and across the state. However, the post-Independence re-organisation of Indian states according to linguistic and ethnic basis has moderated Tamil nationalism, especially the demand for separation from the Indian Union. The Anti-Hindi agitations in mid-1960s made the DMK more popular and more powerful political force in the state. The agitations of the 1960s played a crucial role in the defeat of the Tamil Nadu Congress party in the 1967 elections and the continuing dominance of Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu politics.[142]
Being the capital of the Madras Province that covered a vast area of the Deccan region, Chennai remained the centre of politics in the southern region of India during the British colonial era. After Independence, it remained the centre of political activities of the state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai is the birthplace of the idea of the Indian National Congress, commonly known as the Congress Party. Founded by Indian and British members of the Theosophical Society movement, most notably A.O. Hume,[143] the idea was originally conceived in a private meeting of 17 men after a Theosophical Convention held in the city in December 1884.[144] During the first 50 years of the Indian National Congress, the city played host to its conferences seven times in 1887, 1894, 1898, 1903, 1908, 1914 and 1927, becoming one of the strong bases for the Indian independence movement. After independence, the city hosted the Congress in 1955 in its suburb of Avadi.[145]
Chennai is also the birthplace of several regional political movements since the British era. South Indian Welfare Association, one of the earliest regional parties, was founded in 1916, which later came to be known as the Justice Party, which was the main opposition party to the Indian National Congress in the state.[146][147] In 1944, the party was renamed Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) by E. V. Ramasami (popularly known as 'Periyar'). The party was a non-political party that demanded the establishment of an independent state called Dravida Nadu.[148] However, due to the differences between its two leaders Periyar and C. N. Annadurai, the party was split. Annadurai left the party to form the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK). The DMK decided to enter into politics in 1956.
Utility services
The city's water supply and sewage treatment are managed by the Chennai MetroWater Supply and Sewage Board. Water is drawn from Red Hills Lake and Chembarambakkam Lake, the primary water reservoirs of the city,[149] and treated at water treatment plants located at Kilpauk, Puzhal, Chembarambakkam[150] and supplied to the city through 27 water distribution stations.[151] The city receives 530 million liters per day (mld) of water from Krishna River through Telugu Ganga project, 180 mld of water from the Veeranam lake project[150] and 100 mld of water from the Minjur desalination plant, the country's largest sea water desalination plant.[152][153][154] However, Chennai is predicted to face a huge deficit of 713 mld in 2026 as the demand is projected at 2,248 mld and supply estimated at only 1,535 mld.[155] The city's sewer system was designed in 1910, with some modifications in 1958.[156] There are 714 public toilets in the city managed by the city corporation,[157] and 2,000 more have been planned by the corporation.[158] The corporation also owns 52 community halls across the city.[159]
The Corporation of Chennai provides civic services to the city. Garbage collection in some of the wards is contracted to Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, a private company,[160] while the Corporation looks after the removal and processing of solid waste in the others,[161] with a superintendent engineer managing the channels. As of 2011[update]8 transfer stations exist within the city for treating the waste.[162] Garbage is dumped in two dump-yards in the city—One in Kodungaiyur and another in Pallikaranai, with a major portion of the latter covering the Pallikaranai marshland.[163] In market areas, the conservancy work is done during the night.[164] Electricity is distributed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.[165] Fire services are handled by the Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services.[166] The city, along with the suburbs, has 33 operating fire stations.[167]
The Chennai City Region has 568 post offices, of which nearly 460 operate from rented premises.[168]
With the history of many neighbourhoods of the city such as Mylapore, Triplicane, and Tiruvanmiyur antedating that of the city, the architecture of Chennai ranges in a wide chronology. The oldest buildings in the city dates from the 7th and 8th centuries CE, which include the Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Mylapore and the Parthasarathy Temple in Triplicane, built in the Dravidian architecture. This architecture includes various styles, such as those of the Pallavas, the Cholas, and the Vijayanagara empires. The associated Agraharam architecture, which consists of traditional row houses surrounding a temple, can still be seen in these areas.[169][170] The heritage temples at Mamallapuram at the outskirts of the city are some of the examples of the Pallava architecture. Chennai ranks second to Kolkata of Indian heritage buildings.[171]
With the advent of the Mugals and the British, the city saw a rise in a blend of Hindu, Islamic and Gothic revival styles, resulting in the distinct Indo-Saracenic style.[172] The architecture for several early institutions such as banking and commerce, railways, press and education, chiefly through the colonial rule, followed the earlier directions of the Neo-Classical and the Indo-Saracenic.[173] The Chepauk Palace in the city, designed by Paul Benfield, is said to be the first Indo-Saracenic building in India.[174] Since then, many of the colonial-era buildings in the city were designed in this style of architecture, which is most apparent around the Fort St. George built in 1640. Most of these were designed by English architects Robert Fellowes Chisholm and Henry Irwin. The best examples of this style include the Madras High Court (built in 1892), Southern Railway headquarters, Ripon Building, Government Museum, Senate House of the University of Madras, Amir Mahal, Bharat Insurance Building, Victoria Public Hall and the College of Engineering.[175] The Triumph of Labour, also known as the Labour statue, at the Marina Beach is an important landmark of Chennai.[176]
The construction of the National Art Gallery in Madras was completed in 1909. The new building, with a stunning façade, was built of pink sandstone brought from Sathyavedu, and formed part of the Madras Museum campus. It was opened, on 23 January 1909, by the Governor of Fort St. George, Sir Arthur Lawley, and called the Victoria Memorial Hall after the Queen-Empress Victoria.[177][178][179] The residential architecture in the city was based on the bungalow or the continuous row house prototypes.[173] Gothic revival style buildings include the Chennai Central and Chennai Egmore railway stations. The Santhome Church, which was originally built by the Portuguese in 1523 and is believed to house the remains of the apostle St. Thomas, was rebuilt in 1893 in neo-Gothic style.[180]
By the early 20th century, the art deco too made its entry upon the city's urban landscape. From the 1930s onwards, many buildings in George Town were built in this style, including the United India building (presently housing LIC) and the Burma Shell building (presently the Chennai House), both built in the 1930s, and the Dare House, built in 1940. Other examples include the Bombay Mutual building (presently housing LIC) and the South Indian Chamber of Commerce building.[173]
After Independence, the city witnessed a rise in the Modernism style of architecture.[173] The completion of the LIC Building in 1959, the tallest building in the country at that time,[181] marked the transition from lime-and-brick construction to concrete columns in the region.[182] The presence of the weather radar at the Chennai Port, however, prohibited the construction of buildings taller than 60 m around a radius of 10 km for several decades that followed.[183] In addition, the floor-area ratio (FAR) in the central business district is also 1.5, much less than that of smaller cities of the country. This resulted in the city expanding horizontally, unlike other metropolitan cities where vertical growth is prominent. On the contrary, the peripheral regions, especially on the southern and south-western sides, are experiencing vertical growth with the construction of buildings up to 60 floors.
Population of Chennai city | |||
Census | Pop. | %± | |
1791 | 300,000 | — | |
1871 | 367,552 | — | |
1881 | 405,848 | 10.4% | |
1891 | 452,518 | 11.5% | |
1901 | 509,346 | 12.6% | |
1911 | 518,660 | 1.8% | |
1921 | 526,911 | 1.6% | |
1931 | 647,232 | 22.8% | |
1941 | 777,481 | 20.1% | |
1951 | 1,416,056 | 82.1% | |
1961 | 1,729,141 | 22.1% | |
1971 | 2,469,449 | 42.8% | |
1981 | 3,266,034 | 32.3% | |
1991 | 3,841,396 | 17.6% | |
2001 | 4,343,645 | 13.1% | |
2011 | 7,088,000 | 63.2% | |
Sources: * 1639–1791:[184] * 1871–1901:[185] * 1871–1931:[186] * 1931–1951:[187] * 1951–1961:[188] * 1991–2001:[189] * 2001:[190] 2011:[7] |
A resident of Chennai is called a Chennaite.[191][192][193] According to 2011 census, the city had a population of 4,646,732, within the area administered by the Municipal Corporation;[194] that had 11 lakh households, with 51% of them living in rented houses.[195] The city's limits were expanded later in 2011 and its population reached 7,088,000[7] with Chennai Municipal Corporation being renamed as Greater Chennai Corporation.[7]
Tamils form the majority of Chennai's population. English is spoken largely by white-collar workers,[196] often mixed into Tamil.[197] In 2001, out of the 2,937,000 migrants (33.8% of its population) in the city, 61.5% were from other parts of the state, 33.8% were from rest of India and 3.7% were from outside the country.[198] As per the 2001 census, the number of speakers mother tongue wise are as follows, Tamil is spoken by 3,424,107 (78.8%), followed by Telugu by 419,209 (9.7%), Urdu by 180,245 (4.1%), Malayalam by 113,828 (2.6%), Hindi by 104,084 (2.4%), and Kannada by 22,250 (0.5%).[199]Korean, Japanese, French, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, German and Spanish are some of the languages spoken by the 2,50,000 foreign expatriates residing in the city.[200][201][202][203][204]
Religion and Ethnicity
Chennai, along with Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi, is one of the few Indian cities that are home to a diverse population of ethno-religious communities.[206] Minorities include Telugus, Marwaris, Gujaratis, Parsis,[207][208]Sindhis,[209][210]Odias,[211]Goans,[212]Kannadigas,[213]Anglo-Indians,[214]Bengalis,[215]Punjabi,[216] and Malayalees. As per the religious census of 2011, Chennai's population was 80.7% Hindu, 9.5% Muslim, 7.7% Christian, 1.1% Jain, 0.1% Sikh, 0.1% Buddhist, <0.1% following other religions and 0.8% following no religion or did not indicate any religious preference.[205]
In a 2013 survey titled 'Emerging trends in real estate in Asia Pacific 2014', Chennai emerged in the top 25 real estate destinations list in the Asia Pacific region. The city ranked 22nd in the list.[217] There are about 1,240 slums in Chennai home to about 900,000 people.[218]
Per 2011 census, there are 1.1 million households in the city and the residential housing stock available is 1,150,000 – a surplus of about 50,000 houses. About 43,700 of them are kept vacant. In the suburbs of Chennai located in Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram districts, the figures of vacant houses 56,000 and 71,000, respectively. Of the existing housing stock in the city, about 200,000 houses are not in good condition, necessitating either to rebuild or build new units. About 26,000 households live in houses without any room and another 427,000 families (with an average size of five members) live in small dwelling units with only one room. An earlier estimate shows that there is a need to generate about 420,000 units for low-income groups by 2016.[219]
As of 2012[update]an estimated population of 11,116 (0.16 percent) were homeless. Per Supreme Court guidelines, the city needs 65 shelters for the homeless. However, it has only 15, of which 8 are functioning and two are under renovation.[220]
As of 2017, there are more than 2.2 million households, with 40 percent of the residents without owning a house.[221]
Arts and culture
Museums and art galleries
Chennai is home to many museums, galleries, and other institutions, many of which are free of admission charges and are major tourist attractions as well as playing a research role.[222] The city also has one of the oldest Museum and Art Gallery in the country – Government Museum, Chennai and The National Art Gallery (Chennai),[223] established in the early 18th century.[224]
The city also hosts two art festivals annually. The "Fort Museum" inside the premises of Fort St. George is an important museum having a noteworthy collection of objects of the British era in its collection.[225] The museum is managed by the Archaeological Survey of India and has in its possession, the first Flag of India hoisted at Fort St George after the declaration of India's Independence on 15 August 1947.[226]
Music and performing arts
Chennai is a major centre for music, art and culture in India.[227] The city is known for its classical dance shows. In 1930, for the first time in India, Madras University introduced a course of music, as part of the Bachelor of Arts curriculum.[228] The Madras Music Seasoninitiated by Madras Music Academy in 1927, is celebrated every year during the month of December.[229] It features performances of traditional Carnatic music by many artists in and around the city.[230]
An arts festival called the Chennai Sangamam, which showcases not only various arts of Tamil Nadu but also from the neighbouring states, like kalari (from Kerala), which is a major attraction, is held in January every year. The Speciality of Chennai Sangamam is that the various programmes are held near or at the various famous landmarks in the city so that everyone in the city has access to the programmes and there is no fee charged for entry for any of the programmes.[231]Pookolama form of art that uses coloured flour to create patterns and designs, comes from Kerala, but can be seen in abundance at the time of Onam.[232]
The city has a diverse theatre scene and is one of the important centres for Bharata Natyam, a classical dance form that originated in Tamil Nadu and is the oldest dance of India.[233] An important cultural centre for Bharata Natyam is Kalakshetra, on the beach in the south of the city.[234] In 2012, a group of five Bharatha Natyam dancers from Chennai performed at the India Campaign during the 2012 Summer Olympics.[235]
Chennai has been featured in UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) list since October 2017 for its century-old musical tradition.[28] Chennai is also home to some choirs, who during the Christmas season stage various carol performances across the city in Tamil and English.[236][237]
Madras is divided into four broad regions: North, Central, South and West. North Madras is primarily an industrial area. South Madras and West Madras, previously mostly residential, are fast becoming commercial, home to a growing number of information technology firms, financial companies and call centres. The city is expanding quickly along the Old Mahabalipuram Road and the Grand Southern Trunk Road (GST Road) in the south and towards Ambattur, Koyambedu and Sriperumbdur in the west.[238] Central Madras comprises residential elements, but is primarily home to the downtown area, and surrounding areas, the most visited by travellers to the city. The financial district is also located here.[239]
Tourism and hospitality
With temples, beaches and centres of historical and cultural significance, including the UNESCO Heritage Site of Mahabalipuram, Chennai is one of the most visited cities in India. The city serves as the gateway to the southern part of India with tourists landing in the city and starting their trip to the rest of the region. Chennai was the most visited Indian city by foreign tourists in 2009 and issued the third highest number of visas on arrival in 2014.[240][241] In 2011, Chennai was ranked 41st in global top 100 city destination ranking, with 3,174,500 tourists, a 14 percent increase from 2010.[242] About 830,620 domestic tourists arrived in Chennai in March 2011.[243] Top foreign nationals visiting the city include those from Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, France and United States. In 2015, the city received 4,243,700 foreign tourists making it the 3rd most visited city in India after Delhi and Mumbai and 43rd most visited city in the world by foreign tourists.[15] As of 2012[update]the city had 21 luxury hotels in the five-star category, with over 4,500 rooms in the inventory.[244]
Chennai is the base for the Tamil film industry, known as Kollywood. Many film personalities have gone on to become politicians including C.N.Annadurai, M. Karunanidhi, M.G. Ramachandran and J. Jayalalithaa.[245] Chennai hosts major film studios, including AVM Productions, the oldest surviving studio in India.[246] As of 2012[update]there are 120 cinema screens and multiplexes. Major multiplexes include Sathyam Cinemas, Escape cinemas, Devi, Abirami complex and Mayajaal.[247] Chennai's expansive theatre network stages many Tamil plays of many genres: political satire, slapstick comedy, history, mythology and drama.[248][249][250] English plays are popular in the city, along with the more common Tamil-language plays.[251]
Zoo, beaches, and wildlife parks form the primary recreation areas of the city. Chennai has a total coast length of more than 19 km. Marina Beach runs for 6 km (3.7 mi), spanning along the shoreline of the city between the deltas of Cooum and Adyar, and is the second longest urban beach in the world.[252]Elliot's Beach lies south of the Adyar delta. Covelong beach lies along the coromandal coast.[253]
Madras Crocodile Bank Trust is a reptile zoo located 40 kilometres (25 mi) south of the city covering an area of 8.5 acres (3.4 ha) and had over 450,000 visitors in 2007. The center has one of the world's largest collections of reptiles and has bred 14 of the 23 existing species of crocodiles and alligators.[254] The Arignar Anna Zoological Park, one of the largest zoological parks in the world, attracts nearly 2 million visitors per year.[255] The city boasts two popular beaches, the Marina and Elliot's. Guindy National Park, a protected area of Tamil Nadu, has a children's park and a snake park, which gained statutory recognition as a medium zoo from the Central Zoo Authority of India in 1995. Chennai is one of the few cities in the world that accommodates a national park, the Guindy National Park, within its limits.[256] The city has an estimated 4.5 percent of its area under green cover.[257] This enables Chennai residents to go birding. The seven zones of the old corporation limits has about 260 parks, many of which suffer poor maintenance.[258] The city has a per capita park space of 0.41 sq m, which is the least among all metros in India.[258] The eight zones in the newly added areas of the city have about 265 locations that have been identified for development of new parks.[259] The largest among the parks is the 358-acre Tholkappia Poonga, developed to restore the fragile ecosystem of the Adyar estuary.[260] The horticulture department-owned Semmozhi Poonga is a 20-acre botanical garden located in the downtown.[261]
Chennai houses several theme parks, namely MGM Dizzee World and Queens Land.[262][263] The safety of several amusement parks has been questioned after several fatal accidents occurred.[264]Wonderla is planning to open an amusement park in 2017.[265] Other important recreation centres include Madras Boat Club, which is over 140 years old, and Gymkhana Club, which is famous for its 18-hole golf courses. Built in 1867, Madras Boat Club is the second oldest surviving Indian rowing club.[266]
Chennai is home to several malls, due to its status as an IT hub.[267][268][269] Major ones include Express Avenue (EA), Citi Centre, Abirami mega mall, Spencer Plaza, Ampa Skywalk, Phoenix Market City and Forum Vijaya Mall.[270] Chennai is an important gold market in India contributing to 45 percent of the 800-tonne annual national gold uptake.[271] The city is also the base to the World Gold Council's India operations. The city's retail industry is majorly concentrated in T. Nagar which accounts for major share jewellery and clothes sold in Chennai.[271] According to the 2012 report by property consultant Cushman & Wakefield, Main Streets Across the WorldKhader Nawaz Khan Road at Nungambakkam ranked 10th position in the list of 'Top 10 Global Highest Retail Rental Growth Markets 2012', with 36.7 percent jump in rents.[272]
Recent estimates of the economy of the entire Chennai Metropolitan Area range from $78.6 to $86 billion (PPP GDP), ranking it from fourth- to sixth-most productive metro area of India.[11][10][273]
Chennai has a broad industrial base in the automobile, computer, technology, hardware manufacturing and healthcare sectors. As of 2012[update]the city is India's second largest exporter of information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) services.[274][275] A major part of India's automobile industry is located in and around the city thus earning it the nickname "Detroit of India".[2][276][277][278] It is known as the Cultural Capital of South India [279] and is the third most visited city in India by international tourists according to Euromonitor.[15] The city also serves as the location of the Madras Stock Exchange, India's fourth stock exchange, one of four permanently recognised by SEBI, and India's third-largest by trading volume, ranked behind the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India.[280]
Industrialisation in the city dates back to the 16th century, when textile mills manufactured goods which were exported to British during its war with France. According to Forbes magazine, Chennai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and is rated in the "Forbes-Top 10 Fastest Growing Cities in the World".[281] It is ranked 4th in hosting the maximum number of Fortune 500 companies of India, next only to Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata. It also is home to 24 Indian companies having a net worth of more than US$1 billion. As of 2012[update]the city has about 34,260 identified companies in its 15 zones, of which 5,196 companies have a paid-up the capital of over ₹ 50 lakh.[282]
Chennai has a diversified economic base anchored by the automobile, software services, hardware manufacturing, health care and financial services industries.[274] According to the Confederation of Indian Industry, Chennai is estimated to grow to a US$100–billion economy, 2.5 times its present size, by the year 2025.[283] As of 2012[update]with ₹ 1 lakh crore investment in the pipeline over 5 years, the city is poised for major industrial investment.[284] Chennai is classified as a global city by GaWC, with a ranking of Beta[285] based on the extent of global reach and financial influence.[286]
The city is base to around 40 percent of India's automobile industry and 45 percent of auto components industry.[287] A large number of automotive companies including Royal enfield, Hyundai, Renault, Robert Bosch, Nissan Motors, Ashok Leyland, Yamaha Motor, Daimler AG, Caterpillar Inc., Komatsu Limited, BharatBenz, Ford, BMW and Mitsubishi have manufacturing plants in Chennai.[288] The Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadi produces military vehicles, including India's main battle tank: Arjun MBT.[289] The Integral Coach Factory manufactures railway coaches and other rolling stock for Indian Railways.[290] The Ambattur–Padi industrial zone houses many textile manufacturers, and a special economic zone (SEZ) for apparel and footwear manufacturing has been set up in the southern suburbs of the city.[291] Chennai contributes more than 50 percent of India's leather exports.[292]
Many software and software services companies have development centres in Chennai, which contributed 14 percent of India's total software exports of ₹ 14,42,140 lakh during 2006–07, making it the second largest Indian city software exporter following Bangalore.[274] The Tidel Park in Chennai was billed as Asia's largest IT park when it was built.[293][294] Major software companies have their offices set up here, with some of them making Chennai their largest base.[275]
Prominent financial institutions, including the World Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, ABN AMRO, Bank of America, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC, ING Group, Allianz, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Asian Development Bank, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas Fortis, Irevna, Deutsche Bank and Citibank have back office and development centre operations in the city.[295] Chennai is home to the national level commercial banks Indian Bank[296] and Indian Overseas Bank[297][298] and many state level co–operative banks, finance and insurance companies. Telecom and Electronics manufacturers based in and around Chennai include Samsung, Nokia Siemens, Motorola, Lenovo, Dell, Force10, Wipro, Flextronics and Siemens among others. Chennai is currently the largest electronics hardware exporter in India, accounting for 45% of the total exports in 2010–11.[299] Telecom giants Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent, pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer and chemicals giant Dow Chemicals have research and development facilities in Chennai. The TICEL bio–tech park at Taramani[300] and Golden Jubilee bio–tech park at Siruseri[301] houses biotechnology companies and laboratories. Chennai has a stock exchange called the Madras Stock Exchange.[302][303]
A study conducted by the National Housing Bank on the residential price index of Indian cities showed that Chennai experienced the highest growth after the 2008–2012 global financial crisis.[304] Medical tourism is an important part of Chennai's economy with 45 percent of total medical tourists to India making to Chennai.[305] The Tamil film industry[306] and the Tamil television industry are also significant parts of Chennai's economy. The city also has a permanent exhibition complex in Nandambakkam called the Chennai Trade Centre.[307] With 385 ultra-rich living in the city, Chennai is positioned in the sixth place among Indian cities that are home to the country's super-rich.[308] The city is the third largest market in India for luxury cars.[309]
Chennai is one of four Indian cities connected to the rest of the world by undersea fibre-optic cables, the other three being Mumbai, Kochi, and Tuticorin. The city is the landing point of major submarine telecommunication cable networks such as SMW4 (connecting India with Western Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia), i2i (connecting India with Singapore), TIC (connecting India with Singapore), and BRICS (connecting India with Brasil, Russia, China and South Africa). The 3,175-km-long, 8-fiber-paired i2i has the world's largest design capacity of 8.4 terabits per second.[310][311][312][313]
As of 2013[update]eight mobile phone service companies operate seven GSM networks including Airtel, Aircel, BSNL, Vodafone, Tata Docomo GSM, Idea, Reliance GSM and three CDMA networks including MTS, Relaince CDMA, Tata Docomo CDMA in the city. 2G Mobile internet connections are provided by all the operators and 4G, 3G mobile broadband are provided by few operators in the city. There are four land line companies [314][315] providing Commercial and domestic broadband Internet services. Chennai was the first Indian city to deploy Wi-Fi internet access in a widespread manner.[316] As of 2010[update]there were 9.8 million mobile phone users in Chennai.[317] In 2010, Chennai had the fourth highest number of active Internet users in India, with 2.2 million users.[318] As of 2018, the city topped in broadband speed among Indian cities, with a recorded download speed of 32.67 Mbit/s.[319]
Major power plants in the city include North Chennai Thermal Power Station, GMR Vasavi Diesel Power Plant, Ennore Thermal Power Station, Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station, Madras Atomic Power Station and Vallur Thermal Power Project. According to the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), as of 2013[update]the city consumes about 20 percent of the electricity in the state of Tamil Nadu. The peak evening demand of the city is 1,500 MW which is about 50 percent of the state's peak evening demand of 3,000 megawatt. This includes 37 percent consumption by the industrial sector, 30 percent by the domestic sector, 18 percent by the agricultural sector, and 11.5 percent by the commercial sector. The peak power consumption is for four months between May and August, with the city consuming the highest during June because it is when the summer peaks. On 20 June 2013, the city consumed the highest of 52,785 MU.[320]
As of 2014[update]the city consumes around 3.83 crore units of power a day or 1,400 crore units annually. Hourly consumption of power in the city is about 2,000 to 3,000 MW.[321] Availability of power in the city has become a concern in recent years due to increasing demand and slow paced addition of power plants, due to which scheduled power cuts have become increasingly common. However, this situation was eradicated by the end of 2014.[322][323] As of 2016[update]the total electricity consumption by the street lamps in the city is 27 MW, costing about ₹ 60,000,000 per month.[324] The 426 sq km of the city has over 248,000 streetlights, including 88,000 in the newly expanded areas.[325]
Banking and Finance
The Reserve Bank of India ranked Chennai as third largest deposit centre and third largest credit centre nationwide as of June 2012. Prior to the advent of modern commercial banks, the banking services in the city were offered to the public by Nattukottai Chettiars or Nagaratharschiefly in and around the neighbourhood of George Town, who offered loans as well as accepted money deposits from the public, in addition to offering loans to the agricultural labourers. Even today, many of the banking offices are housed in heritage structures belonging to the colonial era that are chiefly clustered around Rajaji road in George Town.[326] Chennai is home to the first European-style banking system in India with the establishment of the 'Madras Bank' on 21 June 1683, almost a century before the establishment of the first commercial banks, such as the Bank of Hindustan and the General Bank of India, which were established in 1770 and 1786, respectively.[327] Upon the recommendation of the British Finance Committee on the formation of a government bank, the Madras Bank, then known as the 'Government Bank', started functioning again from 1806. In 1843, the bank merged with the Carnatic Bank (1788), the British Bank of Madras (1795) and the Asiatic Bank (1804) and became the Bank of Madras, which was one of the three Presidency banks of India, the other two being the Bank of Bengal and the Bank of Bombay. In 1921, the three Presidency banks merged to form the Imperial Bank of India, which later became the State Bank of India in 1955.[328]
Chennai is the headquarters of the Indian Bank, the Indian Overseas Bank and the erstwhile Bharat Overseas Bank, which merged with the Indian Overseas Bank in 2007.[329] The city is home to the south zonal office of the Reserve Bank of India, the country's central bank, along with its zonal training centre and Reserve Bank Staff College, one of the two colleges of the bank.[330] The city also houses the permanent back office of the World Bank, which is one of the largest buildings owned by the bank outside its headquarters in Washington, DC.[331] The Chennai office handles corporate financial, accounting, administrative and IT services of the bank, in addition to several value-added operations of the bank that were earlier handled only in its Washington, DC office, including the bank's analytical work in bond valuation which is estimated to be US$100 billion.[332] Several foreign banks have established their branches in the city. The first Sri Lankan Bank in India was established when the Bank of Ceylon opened its branch in Madras on 31 October 1995.[333]
Health care
Chennai has world-class medical facilities, including both government-run and private hospitals. The government-aided hospitals include General Hospital, Adyar Cancer Institute, TB Sanatorium, and National Institute of Siddha. The National Institute of Siddha is one of the seven apex national-level educational institutions that promote excellence in Indian system of medicine and Ayurveda.[334] Major hospitals in Chennai include Apollo Hospitals, Apollo Speciality Hospital, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Chettinad Health City, MIOT Hospitals, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Fortis Malar Hospital, Lifeline Hospitals, Vasan Healthcare, Dr Mehta Hospitals, Global Hospitals & Health City, Sankara Nethralaya and Vijaya Medical & Educational Trust.[335] Chennai attracts about 45 percent of health tourists from abroad and 30 percent to 40 percent of domestic health tourists. The city has been termed India's health capital.[243][336][337]
The city has more than 12,500 beds in its hospitals,[338] including about 5,000 in multi-specialty hospitals in the private sector and over 6,000 beds in the public sector.[339] This works to 2.1 beds per 1,000 population against the national average of less than 1 bed per 1,000 population and the World Health Organization's norms of 3 beds per 1,000 persons, higher than any other city in the country.
Waste management
The city generates 4,500 tonnes of garbage every day of which 429 tonnes are plastic waste.[340] The city has three dumpyards, one each at Perungudi, Kodungaiyur, and Pallikaranai. The corporation has planned to close these yards and create four new dumpyards at Malaipattu, Minjur, Vallur and Kuthambakkam villages, ranging in size from 20 acres (8 ha) to 100 acres (40 ha).[341][342] The civic body also spends ₹ 400 crore a year on solid waste management.[343]
The Chennai International Airport is the fourth busiest in India in terms of passenger traffic behind New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. It handled about 15.2 million passengers in 2013–2014;[64][344][345] in terms of international passengers, Chennai is the third busiest airport behind Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, and Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai.[346] Chennai handles 400 flights a day, again placing it fourth among Indian airports. The city is connected to major hubs across Asia, Europe, and North America through more than 30 national and international carriers.[347]
The existing airport is undergoing further modernisation and expansion with an addition of 1,069.99 acres (433.01 ha), while a new greenfield airport is to be constructed at an estimated cost of ₹ 2,000 crore in Sriperumbudur on 4,200 acres (17 km2) of land.[348] The new airport is said to be likely to handle cargo spillover traffic from the existing one.[349]
Chennai hosts the headquarters of the Southern Railway. The city has four main railway terminals. Chennai Central, Chennai Egmore, Chennai Beach and Tambaram. Chennai Central station, the city's largest, provides access to other major cities as well as many other smaller towns across India,[350] whereas Chennai Egmore provides access to destinations primarily within Tamil Nadu; however, it also handles a few inter–state trains.[351] The Chennai suburban railway network, one of the oldest in the country, facilitates transportation within the city. It consists of four broad gauge sectors terminating at two locations in the city, namely Chennai Central and Chennai Beach. While three sectors are operated on-grade, the fourth sector is majorly an elevated corridor, which links Chennai Beach to Velachery and is interlinked with the remaining rail network.
Metro Rail
Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city and was partially commenced on 29 June 2015. To improve the city's public transportation system and prepare the city for the future commuting needs, the Chennai Metro was planned and approved by the state cabinet during 2007 for which construction began on 2009.[352] The Phase I of the Chennai Metro network consists of 2 lines (Blue Line and Green Line) covering a length of 45.1 kilometres (28.0 mi) consisting of 40 stations with Alandur and Chennai Central serving as interchanges. 55% of the corridors in Phase-I are underground and the rest are elevated. The first stretch of Phase-I, covering 7 stations from Koyambedu to Alandur over a distance of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi), began operation on 29 June 2015. As of May 2018, covering 26 stations from Chennai Central to Alandur on the Green line and AG-DMS to Chennai International Airport on Blue line are commercially operational which brings the total operational network over 35 km. The entire phase-I is scheduled to be operational by end of 2018. In December 2016, it was announced by Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) that Phase-2 of Chennai Metro is set to be for a length of 104 km consisting of 104 stations which is subject to approval from the state and central governments.[353] In Jun 2018 they had 45,000 daily commuters.[354]
Chennai is one of the cities in India that is connected by the Golden Quadrilateral system of National Highways.[355] It is connected to other Indian cities by four major National Highways (NH) that originate in the city. They are NH 4 to Mumbai (via Bangalore, Pune), NH 5 to Kolkata (linked via NH 6) (via Visakhapatnam, Bhubaneswar), NH 45 to Theni (via Villupuram, Tiruchirapalli, Dindigul) and NH 205 to Madanapalle (via Tirupati). Chennai is connected to other parts of the state and the Union Territory of Puducherry by state highways.[356]
The government has constructed grade separators and flyovers at major intersections, and built Inner Ring Road and Outer Ring Road.[357][358] The Gemini flyover, built in 1973 crosses over the arterial road, and eases the traffic movements towards Anna Salai and towards the Kathipara Flyover.[357][358] As of 2011[update]according to the Transport Department, there were 25.8 lakh two–wheelers and 5.6 lakh four–wheelers in the city, and the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) bus fleet were 3,421, which was 0.1% of the total vehicular population of the city.[359]
When opened, the Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus (CMBT) was the largest bus station in Asia.[360] It is the main intercity bus station of Chennai,[361] administered by 7 government-owned transport corporations, which operate intercity and interstate bus services. There are many private bus companies that provide similar transport services. The MTC provides an exclusive intracity bus service, consisting of 3,421 buses on 724 routes, which provides transportation to 55.2 lakh passengers daily.[357][362] The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation operates Volvo air-conditioned services from Chennai to nearby cities like Pondicherry, Vellore, Hosur and Trichy.[363]
The other means of road transport in the city include vans, regionally known as Maxi Cabsauto rickshaws, on-call metered taxis and tourist taxis.[364]
Chennai outer ring road is 62.3 km long connecting NH 45 (GST Road) at Perungalathur, NH 4 (GWT Road) at Nazarathpet, NH 205 (CTH Road) at Nemilicherry(Thiruninravur), NH 5 (GNT Road) at Nallur and TPP road at Minjur under the process by Chennai Metropolitan Area.
The city is served by two major ports, Chennai Port, one of the largest artificial ports in India, and Ennore Port. The Chennai port is the largest in Bay of Bengal, with an annual cargo tonnage of 6.146 crore (2010–2011), and second largest containerise hub in India, with an annual container volume of 15.23 lakh TEUs (2010–2011). The port handles transportation of automobiles, motorcycles and general industrial cargo.[64] The Ennore Port with an annual cargo tonnage of 1.101 crore (2010–2011) handles cargo such as coal, ore and other bulk and rock mineral products.[365]Royapuram fishing harbour is used by fishing boats and Kattupalli Shipyard near Ennore Port was inaugurated in January 2013.[366][367]
Newspaper publishing started in Chennai with the launch of a weekly, The Madras Courierin 1785.[368] It was followed by the weeklies The Madras Gazette and The Government Gazette in 1795. The Spectatorfounded in 1836, was the first English newspaper in Chennai to be owned by an Indian and became the city's first daily newspaper in 1853.[369] The first Tamil newspaper, Swadesamitranwas launched in 1899.[368]
The major English dailies published in Chennai are The HinduThe New Indian ExpressThe Deccan Chronicle and The Times of India and many more. The evening dailies are, The Trinity Mirror and The News Today. As of 2004[update]The Hindu was the city's most read English newspaper, with a daily circulation of 267,349.[370] The major business dailies published from the city are The Economic TimesThe Hindu Business LineBusiness StandardMint and The Financial Express. The major Tamil dailies include the Dina ThanthiDinakaranDina ManiDina MalarThe Hindu Tamil,[371]Tamil MurasuMakkal Kural and Malai Malar. Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhumi are the major Malayalam dailies while major Telugu dailies include EenaduVaarthaAndhra Jyothi and Sakshi.[372] The one and only Hindi Newspaper published from Chennai is the Rajasthan Patrika.[373] The Local weekly Newspapers circulated to residents are T.Nagar Times, Pillar Times, Arcot Road Talk, Chrompet Times.[374] Chennai's First Corporate Leisure Newspaper, The Shopping Express.[375] Magazines published from Chennai include Ananda VikatanKumudamKalkiKungumamPuthiya Thalaimurai,ThuglakFrontline and Sportstar
Doordarshan runs two terrestrial television channels and two satellite television channels from its Chennai centre, which was set up in 1974. Private Tamil satellite television networks such as Sun TV, Raj TV, Zee Tamizh, Star Vijay, Jaya TV, Makkal TV, Vasanth TV, Kalaignar TV, Captain TV and PuthiyaThalaimurai TV broadcast out of Chennai. The Sun Network one of India's largest broadcasting companies is based in the city. While the cable TV service is entirely controlled by the state government,[376] direct–to–home (DTH) is available via DD Direct Plus, Dish TV, Tata Sky, Videocon DTH, Sun direct DTH, Reliance Big TV and Digital TV.[377][378] Chennai is the first city in India to have implemented the Conditional Access System for cable television.[379] Radio broadcasting began in 1924 by the Madras Presidency Radio Club.[380] The radio station at the Rippon Buildings complex was founded in 1930 and was then shifted to All India Radio in 1938.[368] The city has 4 AM and 11 FM radio stations operated by All India Radio, Anna University and Suryan FM, Radio Mirchi, BIG FM, Hello FM, Radio City, Radio One among others.[381]
Chennai ranks second among Indian metropolitan city centres with a 90.33 percent literacy rate.[382] Chennai has a mix of public and private schools, some of which also receive financial support from the government.
The public school system is managed by the Chennai Corporation with an enrolment of 142,387 students in over 330 schools.[383] Tamil and English are the primary medium of instruction, though some schools also use Telugu and Urdu as medium of instruction in their schools.[383] Public schools run by the Chennai Corporation are all affiliated with the Tamil Nadu State Board, while private schools may be affiliated with either of the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education or the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).[384] A few schools are affiliated with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations,[385] the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) board or the Montessori system. Education in Chennai starts with two years of Kindergarten from age three onward and then follows the Indian 10+2+3 plan, ten years of school, two years of higher secondary education, and three years of undergraduate education.[386][387]
English is the medium of instruction in the majority of institutions for higher education.[383] The University of Madras, founded in 1857, is one of the India's first three modern universities.[388] Colleges for science, arts and commerce degrees are typically affiliated with the University of Madras, which has six campuses in the city.[389] The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and the College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University are two well known centres for engineering education in the city. The Indian Army's Officers Training Academy is also headquartered in the city.
Chennai has a plethora of libraries, including British Council Library, American Library, Connemara Public Library, and Anna Centenary Library. The Connemara Public Library is one of four National Depository Centres in India that receive a copy of all newspapers and books published in the country.[390][391] The Anna Centenary Library is the largest library in Asia.[392][393]
Chennai has two CSIR research institutions namely Central Leather Research Institute and Structural Engineering Research Centre. Chennai Book Fair, an annual book fair organised in Chennai by the Booksellers and Publishers Association of South India (BAPASI), is the largest exhibition for Tamil book publishers to display their books. The fair is typically held for about 10 days between the last week of December and the third week of January.[394] The forty-first edition of the fair was held in 2018. Chennai also has Indian Maritime University to impart quality education in maritime management, engineering and different pre sea courses. This is the only central university, headquartered in Chennai to impart maritime education in India.
Sports and recreation
Cricket is the most popular sport in Chennai.[395] It was introduced in 1864 with the foundation of the Madras Cricket Club.[396] The M.A. Chidambaram Stadium established in 1916 is among the oldest cricket stadium in India.[397] The stadium was also one of the venues of the 1987,1996 and 2011 ICC Cricket World Cups. Chemplast Cricket Ground located at the IIT Madras campus is another important venue for cricket matches. Prominent cricketers from the city include former cricket captains S. Venkataraghavan and Kris Srikkanth.[398][399] A cricket fast bowling academy called the MRF Pace Foundation, whose coaches include T. A. Sekhar and Glenn Mcgrath, is based in Chennai.[400][401] Being home to the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket team Chennai Super Kings, the city hosted the finals of the IPL's 2011 and 2012 series.[402][403]
The city's football team Chennaiyin FC competes in the Indian Super League, the country's association football league associated with Asian Football Federation and recognized by FIFA. The club uses the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium nicknamed the Marina Arena as their home ground and are champions of the Indian Super League in 2015 and 2018.
Chennai was the venue of the 1995 South Asian Games.[404] Chennai is home to a World Series Hockey (WSH) team, the Chennai Cheetahs. The Mayor Radhakrishnan Stadium is associated with hockey and was venue for the international hockey tournament the 2005 Men's Champions Trophy and the 2007 Men's Asia Cup. The Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium is associated for hosting Football and athletic competitions, it also houses a multi–purpose indoor complex for competition in volleyball, basketball and table tennis. Water sports are played in the Velachery Aquatic Complex. Tennis sport is popularising among the city youths, Since 1997 Chennai has been host to the only ATP World Tour event held in India, the Chennai Open[405] which has been shifted to Pune as Maharashtra Open from 2017. Vijay Amritraj, Mahesh Bhupathi Ramesh Krishnan and Somdev Devvarman are tennis players from Chennai.[406]
Chennai is home to Chennai Slam,[407] two-time national champion of India's top professional basketball division, the UBA Pro Basketball League.
Madras Boat Club (founded in 1846) and the Royal Madras Yacht Club (founded by Sir Francis Spring in 1911) promote the sailing sports in Chennai, and organise national and international sailing events.[396] Automobile racing in India has been closely connected with Chennai since its beginnings shortly after independence. Motor racing events are held on a special purpose track in Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur,[408] which has also been the venue for several international competitions.[409]Formula One driver Karun Chandhok was born in Chennai.[410][411]
Horse racing is held at the Guindy Race Course, while rowing competitions are hosted at the Madras Boat Club. The city has two 18–hole golf courses, the Cosmopolitan Club and the Gymkhana Club, both established in the late nineteenth century. The city has a rugby union team called the Chennai Cheetahs.[412]
Previous world chess champion Viswanathan Anand grew up in Chennai.[413] Other sports persons of repute from Chennai include table tennis players Sharath Kamal and two–time world carrom champion, Maria Irudayam.[414][415] Chennai was the host of the World Chess Championship 2013 match between Viswanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen.[416][417]
City based teams
International relations
Foreign missions
The consular presence in the city dates back to 1794, when William Abbott was appointed US consular agent for South India.[421][422][423] As of 2012[update]there were 43 foreign representations in Chennai, including consulates general, deputy high commissions and honorary consulates.[424] The American Consulate in Chennai is one of the top adjudication posts in the world and the number one in processing employment-based visas. It was ranked among the top globally in issuing 'L' and 'H' category visas for workers and professionals and was ranked eighth globally in terms of all category of visas being issued.[425]
The Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO), which is the office of the field officers in charge of immigration and registration activities in the city, is located at Shastri Bhavan at Haddows Road.[426]
Twin towns – Sister cities
Chennai has sister city relationships with the following cities of the world:
See also
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External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Chennai. |
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Chennai |
Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Chennai. |
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